Campaign Now | Grassroots Movement Blog

How the Victory VoIP System is Changing the Political Battleground

Written by Patrick Johnson | Feb 15, 2014 1:19:00 AM

The ever-advancing world of technology has exponentially impacted the way political organizations reach voters. Though traditional mediums of communication still exist and continue to be effective, the personalized touch of a phone call may ultimately make or break a voter’s decision to support a candidate. But finding the right medium to communicate with voters is the tricky part.

One of Campaign Now’s services, since our founding, has been the sale of the Victory VoIP voter contact phone system. This innovative technology is easy to use, simple to understand, and extremely effective for both campaigners and volunteers. Data is tracked in real-time, calls can be generated with just the push of a button, and the system only requires a power source and a basic internet connection. Since our team began releasing these phones to the public, voter contact and victory centers have used them so often that we’ve had to invest in more powerful sanitation practices to rid the phones of the pizza grease left after rugged use by volunteer groups. That’s how hard volunteers work when they’ve the best products to use.

The Victory VoIP phones also allow for both automated and manual calling. Volunteers can call targeted voters in their region, or an automated call survey can be deployed to targeted segments of voters. The phones capture the answers received automatically. Volunteer callers can leave voicemails while queuing up another call via a pre-recorded message, multiple campaigns can be managed over one phone system, and detailed data of each volunteer’s calls are tracked and relayed to one off-site management system.

So, what makes these the best on the market?

Ease of Use

The traditional style of punching in numbers and filling in bubble sheets is gone. Victory VoIP is an automated system tracking results directly onto the phone’s server, which can be accessed by any computer with an internet connection. Tracked results are not only those of call surveys but also include volunteer production. This means more quality calls and greater voter reach.


Because VoIP phones require only an internet connection and a power source, calls are high quality and enable volunteers to communicate crisply with voters. The FCC, moreover, has barred predictive or auto-dialer technology calls to cell phones, which greatly handicaps caller-campaign efforts. But Victory VoIP uses a manual technology that allows your campaign to call the ever-expanding universe of cell phones. With more than half of all US households no longer using hard-lined phones, the ability to call to cell phones can make or break a campaign. Our Victory VoIP technology will greatly help your voter contact and volunteer centers reach these critical voters.

The Best are Using Them

The Republican Party of Wisconsin, and the Scott Walker Victory Project 2014 it assists, are using the Victory VoIP system for the upcoming election year. Victory centers have racked numbers upward of 75 calls per hour. In addition, calls are being picked up at a more frequent rate than previously. Almost 25% of all calls are being answered by live callers.

Through voter ID, GOTV and the system’s automated calls, your campaign can reach more voters than ever possible before to beat the competition.

And how will you know if you have a Victory VoIP Phone? You, and everyone else, will see the phone’s signature, classic red cord, a real and powerful aesthetic to fuel volunteers to fight the good fight and help their conservative leaders.