Campaign Now | Grassroots Movement Blog

Voters are ditching landlines. What do campaigners do now?

Written by Patrick Johnson | Mar 24, 2014 10:43:00 PM

Landline phones are quickly becoming a thing of the past, and that is scary for calling campaigns. Why? The FCC banned automated calling services using predictive dialing to mobile devices. No one needs to be reminded of just how big of a problem this can be for calling centers. According to Steven Shepard of the National Journal, 30% of American households went completely wireless in the second half of last year, cutting their landlines for good.

As more Americans continue to ditch landlines, alternative means of voter contact are beginning to be tested and explored as government agencies regulate and impose strict fines on organizations that use automated dialing technology that calls mobile devices.  Even the government is ditching landline networks that are becoming obsolete and costly to repair enhancing the spiraling use of landlines.  The FCC unanimously decided to bid for new options when the agency set out to address the issue of obsolete landline networks.  So what do political campaign managers do?

It seems that the beginning trend is to utilize tried and true technology that delivers quality calls with a device agnostic dialer.  At Campaign Now, we are always exploring and trying to provide one of the best array of voter contact phone systems for political volunteer call centers and campaigns. Bringing together both the power of new technology and ease of use, the Victory VoIP system, marked with its signature red cord, has been hailed by successful campaigns since its inception in 2006. Victory VoIP is extremely easy to use, simple to set-up and effecient at compiling data from the keypad during a live call and dropping the responses back into your database automatically. The phones have many capabilities that allow it to be used for surveying, get out the vote calls, and constituent /fundraising calls.

More importantly, Victory VoIP runs on a technology that allows the phones to legally call mobile devices.

The Victory VoIP has been a successful tool for dozens of statewide Republican political campaigns across the country. It can be be a successful tool for you as well. Adapt and change ahead of the competition. Contact us today for these services.

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